I'm thrilled to announce that I have begun posting self-study classes here at Lightworker Training!
The first one is Psychic Self Defense, naturally. With the psychic state of the world what it is, it feels important to share these tools far and wide in a way that is more accessible for folks, both time and money wise.
Here are the details:

In this self-study Lightworkshop with Tatiana Sakurai, you'll learn key principles, strategies, and tactics that you can employ now to discern and repel the energy of psychic attack and entity intrusions...and stay clear!
In Psychic Self Defense, we'll discuss these key points:
- What you must know about yourself and reality to do this work
- How people get hooked by parasitic entities and how to get unhooked
- The mindset that you need to successfully repel attacks
- How to take back your power and energy
- Simple yet powerful tools and tactics you can use
- How to sharpen your discernment
- How to clear entities and any energy that's not yours
- How to stay clear and more
You'll even get a mini-clearing and shielding at the end!
Psychic Self Defense is a three-part video presentation that runs about two hours total. You don't need to have any previous experience with energy and consciousness work to participate.
Oh, and did I mention it's only $20?
I invite you to check it out and let me know what you think!