Crystals are beautiful and powerful healing allies, but if you don't understand how they work, you can be wasting a lot of time and energy amassing a collection of tools that could potentially be doing more harm than good.
In this practical lightworkshop, I'm going to break down the essential knowledge and techniques for understanding the properties of crystals so that you can understand the reasoning behind how to select crystals, how to know when to NOT use crystals, how to clear and program crystals, and how to wear crystals. This is the foundational, but perhaps not widely taught, knowledge that everyone who has or works with crystals should know.
This class will also support you in strengthening your intuitive ability to know what crystals and applications are the most helpful for your individual needs and circumstances. With this skill you can go beyond taking other people's word for it, and beyond the information overload of having to memorize countless crystal facts, to finding the crystals and ways of working them that work for you. These intuitive tools can be applied in myriad ways, not just with regard to crystals. Wouldn't it be great to trust in your own intuition and discernment?
I've been teaching this workshop for almost a decade and I'm excited to finally have a self-study version of it. Throughout the years I've added more content to it, but it still contains what I consider to be just the basic foundational knowledge for doing crystal healing or working with crystals in any way.
Crystals 101 includes a 4-part lecture series of about 3 hours total, a 45-minute bonus class, PDFs with some reading material and illustrations, and optional quizzes along the way to test your knowledge.
Oh, yeah, and it's only $25.
Ready to hop in? If so, hit that join button below and I'll see you in class!
Tatiana "Phoenix" Sakurai is a lightworker, teacher, and author of Lightworker Training: A Practical Guide to Healing with Energy + Consciousness. She co-produces podcasts and healing meditations with DK "Kairos" Brainard at Cosmic Fire, creates educational content and classes at Lightworker Training, and facilitates sessions and clearings in her private practice at tatianasakurai.com.