Foundations of Lightwork
Lightworker Training courses start with Level 1: Foundations of Lightwork, a 12-week course of core teachings and practices designed to give you a solid understanding of lightwork principles and a powerful energetic toolkit for self care + session work.
In Level 1 you will receive a well-rounded set of key consciousness teachings and energy work techniques which are delivered and practiced week by week, so that by the end of the course you will have all the basic tools required for a complete lightwork session for yourself or loved ones.

What You'll Get in Level 1 of Lightworker Training:
Live lectures + workshops with Tatiana
Key mindset + principles of lightwork
Meditation + mindfulness techniques
Invocation + co-creation techniques
How to recognize + release energetic attachments
How to sense + differentiate different subtle energies
Knowledge of energy field structures + functions
Tools for energetic hygiene + self-care
How to effectively clear the body’s biofield + chakras
How to channel energy safely with intention
Effective shielding techniques
Knowledge of what to do when you’re not sure
Development of intuition + confidence
Balanced right + left brain education
Experiential learning, group practice
Techniques for diverse learning/healing styles
Access to class recordings for replay or review
PDF of Lightworker Training manual
Tuition & Participation Options:
Classes only: 12 weeks/24 hours of live classes with Tatiana: $750 total
Classes + Mini Coaching Package: add on a 1/2 hour of personal one-on-one coaching with Tatiana every week: $1470 total
Classes + Full-hour Coaching/Session Package: add on a full hour of personal one-on-one coaching and/or lightwork sessions with Tatiana every week: $2070 total
Repeat Student Refresher Course: Classes only: $200
Monthly payment plans are available for all levels of participation
Tentative Class Schedule + Structure:
Times and dates are subject to change as needed
Classes meet every Sunday for two hours starting Mid-September and continuing for 12 weeks.
Class time starts at 12:00 PM Eastern/9:00 AM Pacific and ends at 2:00 PM Eastern/11:00 AM Pacific.
Homework for each week's lesson will include readings from the book, video lessons, and practice. Plan on scheduling about 4 hours a week for homework.
Each week in the live classes we will explore a new set of tools through practice, demonstration, and discussion. The live class focuses on practicing together and Q and A.
Each week's homework will include reading sections from the manual: Lightworker Training: A Practical Guide to Healing with Energy + Consciousness. Readings will be 1 -2 chapters per week. It is recommended to do the exercises at the end of each chapter to get the most out of the course.
All classes will be recorded. You may make up classes or review classes by watching the replays which are usually posted later in the day on Sunday on our private class page.
Our last three class will be practicums. Each student will practice all the tools we've learned in full lightwork sessions with volunteer clients of their choice. Tatiana will be there for support, to answer any questions that may come up, and to offer feedback. Practicums will be in the first hour of class with discussion in the second hour.
After completion of Level 1, students will be eligible for Levels 2 and 3, which include intermediate and advanced topics on entity eviction, color therapy, crystal healing, belief busting, energetic psychotherapy, and spiritual counseling.
"Tatiana's work is a powerful practice for today's world. We are all evolving in this really fast way and it can be hard to integrate! Doing session work and training with Tatiana has elevated my personal spiritual practice as well as my counseling sessions with my own clients. Lightwork is the piece I've been looking for, for many years.....Her ability to safely and beautifully hold space and go into the deep layers of the energetic body and mind is work we could all benefit from."
~ IK