My name is Tatiana Sakurai and I'm a teacher, counselor, and energy healer whose mission is to help lightworkers alleviate suffering by addressing the root cause of the symptoms we see manifested in our lives and in the world.
Read on to learn more about me and the work I do.
What my deal is, basically.
During the course of my life I have experienced and healed complex, long-standing trauma-based programming and its associated symptoms. Those experiences gave me the raw material to transmute into the incredibly profound strength and deep healing that I hold space for and facilitate in my session work and classes.
I’ve done much inner world work related most prominently to complex PTSD associated with: early childhood trauma and neglect; physical, emotional, sexual, and ritual abuse; life-threatening and chronic illness; domestic violence, poverty and homelessness; abandonment and attachment issues; drug addiction, codependency, self-destructive behavior; and severe anxiety.
I share these things to let you know that I've been to dark places and I have come back stronger. I share them to let you know that if you've been there or are there, you’re not alone and that I know how hard it is to do the real work of healing ourselves.
Because I've been through it myself, I now embody the knowledge of what actually works in a daily practice of loving ourselves free from painful old patterns.
This gnosis is a vibratory state with which you can come into resonance.
I've had the opportunity to discover many perspectives from working with diverse teachers, modalities, students and clients, because I've been on the lightwork path for over 20 years. I started an intensive daily study and practice 15 years ago and I've been working as a professional healer and teacher for 11 years. My personal and professional experience is incredibly valuable.
I know through lived experience that miracles are real. Spirituality isn't a belief for me. I know it as fact. It is my knowledge, strength of purpose, wonder of creation, and joy of discovery that I desire to share with you.
So, if you would like to work with a healer who has healed herself and can teach you how to get free of painful patterns, you’re in the right place.
If you are looking to become more empowered through knowledge and practice of true spiritual tools for transforming anything in your life, you’re in the right place.
If you'd like to learn ways of reigniting your sacred imagination and intuition to heal yourself, you're in the right place.
If you are ready to engage in the great work of our time, healing all the trauma from the past and reclaiming our freedom to co-create new possibilities, you’re in the right place.
Welcome, lightworker.
I'm so glad you're here.
What's next?
To learn more about training with me through live classes or self-study programs, visit the Classes page here.
To buy my book Lightworker Training: A Practical Guide to Healing with Energy + Consciousness, visit the bookshop here.
To book a private lesson or session, please use this link: https://tatianasakurai.schedulista.com
To send me a message, please see the contact form below.